File / Directory Listing Entity

To see the full list of /files APIs see the Swagger interactive docs. The only /files related API that produces JSON is the /files/list API. For example, “/connect/v1/files/list?path=/a” will recursively produce the full list of all files and directories under the “/a” directory in user’s home. Each entry is preceded by either “f” (for file path) or “d” (for directory path).

Example JSON returned by the /connect/v1/files/list API.

 "d": "/a"
 "d": "/a/b"
 "d": "/a/b/c"
 "f": "/a/b/c/f.txt"
 "f": "/a/b/c.txt"
 "f": "/a/b/d.txt"
 "f": "/a/dot.txt"
 "d": "/b"
 "f": "/b/v.txt"
 "f": "/burp.html"
 "f": "/cartoontop.jpg"
 "d": "/d"
 "d": "/d/f"
 "f": "/d/f/a.txt"
 "d": "/images"
 "f": "/images/cartoon.jpg"
 "f": "/my.csv"

List of APIs

Note: We have tried to keep this list up to date. However, for the most up to date list, see the interactive docs:

POST /connect/v1/files
Upload a file to the given path.
DELETE /connect/v1/files
Delete the file at the given path.
GET /connect/v1/files
Retrieve the contents of the file at the given path.


GET /connect/v1/files/list
Retrieve the list of full paths for the files and directories under the given path. Each file or directory path is preceded by the key “f” (for file) or “d” (for directory).