Invocation Entity

The following are the attributes in the body of a invocation service. You would only see this in the response body of a GET request.
Attribute Type Updatable Comments
 id  UUID n/a
 details  list<InvocationDetail> n/a  A list of invocation detail records for all derivative invocations spawned by this one. See below.
 currentState  string n/a  “created”, “ready”, “running”, “waiting on condition”, “completed”
 status  string n/a  “fail”, “aborted”, “already running”, “aborted on condition false”, “pass”
 description  string n/a
 objectId  UUID n/a  The ID of the object which was invoked
 objectName  string n/a  The name of the object which was invoked.
 objectType  string n/a  The type of the object which was invoked: “pipeline” or “step”
 invokedByType  string n/a  The type of the object that started the invocation: “session” or “schedule”
 invokedByName string n/a  The schedule name or username associated with the session that started the invocation
 invokedById  UUID n/a  The ID of the schedule or session that started the invocation
 completedInstant  string n/a The instant when the invocation finished
 threadId  int n/a The thread ID associated with the invocation
 createdInstant  datetime n/a
 createdBy  string n/a  Username associated with session
 modifiedInstant  datetime n/a
 modifiedBy  string n/a  Username associated with session

List of APIs

Note: We have tried to keep this list up to date. However, for the most up to date list, see the interactive docs:


Get a paginated list of all invocations. You can provide a page number (default 0) and a page size (default 100, max 1000). You can also provide a RSQL query (see  A description of the pagination pattern and metadata can be found here:[LINK]
GET /connect/v1/invocations/{id}
Get a single invocation object.  You have to provide a valid invocation ID.

Searching invocations

Invocation service supports the same RSQL type search as found in the audit entity. However, currently you must use the numeric form of some of the columns when doing searches. The following table shows which attributes are searchable through a number rather than the string equivalent. In the future we will enhance the search functionality to be able to use strings like “completed” and “already running” directly in the search.

Status currentState reasonCode objectType, invokedByType, parentType
1: fail
2: aborted
3: already running
4: aborted on condition
200: pass
1: created
2: ready
3: running
4: waiting on condition
200: completed
-1: unknown
0: normal
1: condition false
0: unknown
1: environment
2: pipeline
3: step
4: session
5: schedule
6: iterator
7: email

Here are some examples of searches:

Description Example
Search for all failed invocations  /connect/v1/invocations?ql=status=1
Search for all running invocations  /connect/v1/invocations?ql=currentState=3
Search for all completed but aborted  /connect/v1/invocations?ql=currentState=3 and status=2
 click here to learn more about RSQL query language


InvocationDetail Entity

The following are the attributes in the body of a InvocationDetail entity you will find inside of a single invocation entity.
Attribute Type Updatable Comments
id  n/a
version  n/a
invocationId  UUID  n/a The step in body must match step on the URL (if applicable).
position  int  n/a
pipeline_position  int  n/a
currentState  string  n/a “created”, “ready”, “running”, “waiting on condition”, “completed”
status  string  n/a “fail”, “aborted”, “already running”, “aborted on condition false”, “pass”
reason_code  int  n/a 0 (normal) or 1 (condition_false)
description  string  n/a
objectId  UUID  n/a
objectName  string  n/a
objectType  string  n/a “pipeline” or “step”
objectVersion  int  n/a
parentType  string  n/a “pipeline”
parentId  UUID  n/a
parentName  string  n/a
command  string  n/a
exceptionMessage  string  n/a
exceptionStack  string  n/a
completedInstant  string  n/a
threadId  int  n/a
createdInstant  datetime  n/a
createdBy  string  n/a Username associated with session
modifiedInstant  datetime  n/a
modifiedBy  string  n/a Username associated with session