Create Snapshot


Use the CREATE SNAPSHOT command to create a savepoint for all domain objects in the Connect environment you have logged into. A savepoint permanently stores the current state of all domain objects. Use savepoints to rollback to previous versions of domain objects or to migrate, also known as DEPLOY, domain objects between Incent environments (from Sandbox to the “Secure” production environments).


create snapshot(desc=<string>);


(Optional) Add personalized notes for the snapshot. Retrieve the notes and metadata for the snapshot using SHOW SNAPSHOTS.



A snapshot stores the current state of all domain objects in the system you have logged into. Domain objects include steps, pipelines, iterators, schedules, emails, and variables.

Snapshots do not retain information about any custom tables found in your environment. When snapshot is used in conjunction with DEPLOY, you will need to create any required custom tables in the target Connect environment using DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE. Deploy will correctly transfer the domain objects from your source system to the target system, but some pipeline steps could fail if required tables or columns are missing in the target environment. Be sure to seed custom tables with data as needed.

Use SHOW SNAPSHOTS to list a history of all snapshots that have been made in your environment.

Example use case #1: You want to make changes to a pipeline, but want to have the option to revert to the original state of the pipeline. First, take a snapshot, then make your pipeline changes. If the changes do not meet your expectations, REVERTto the snapshot savepoint to restore your domain objects to their earlier state.

Example use case #2: Your implementation project has completed system integration testing (SIT) in the Sandbox environment and now wants to begin user acceptance testing (UAT) in your business’ production environment (one of the “Securex” environments). Use snapshot with the DEPLOY command to promote domain object and related code from Sandbox to Securex.

Your user account must have full Read-Write access to the Xactly Connect role (configured from the Incent UI) to use CREATE SNAPSHOT.


create snapshot;


create snapshot(desc=’SIT passed, ready for UAT’);



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