Working with Dashboards

You can control the appearance of dashboard pages.

How to…

Edit a Dashboard

1. Click the Home tab.

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The Business Dashboards page appears.

2. Click a dashboard in the My Dashboards pane.
The dashboard content appears. If no content has been added, an empty dashboard
page notification message appears.

3. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 9.35.01 AM button (in the upper right corner), and choose Edit Dashboard from
the drop-down menu. The dashboard editor appears.

4. Modify the dashboard, as required.

5. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 10.59.42 AM button (Run) to run the dashboard and close the dashboard editor.


Preview a Dashboard

• While editing a dashboard, click the button (Preview). A new window appears
showing a preview of the dashboard.


Save Changes to a Dashboard

You can save your changes at any time.
• Click the button.


Work with Columns in a Dashboard

Columns are used to align content on a dashboard. (Sections within columns hold the
actual content.) You can add or remove columns, set the width in pixels or as a percentage
of the dashboard page, or break columns.

When you have more than one column on a dashboard page, you can break columns
to arrange them on the page. For example, if you have two columns side by
side, breaking the right most column causes it to move beneath the first column, and
both columns will span the width originally occupied when they were side by side.

If you have three columns side by side, breaking the middle column causes the two
outer columns to move beneath the first column, and the first column spans the width
originally occupied by the first two columns.


Add a New Column

• Drag the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.00 AM object from the Dashboard Objects pane to the location
where you want to add the column.


Set the Width of a Column

1. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.17 AM button (Properties) and choose Column Properties in the dropdown
menu that appears. The Column Properties dialog appears.

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Column Properties Dialog

2. Expand the Additional Formatting Options section.

3. Select the Specific Size radio button, and specify the column width.
To specify the width in pixels, type the number of pixels, for example, 400.
To specify the width as a percentage of the dashboard page, use the percent
(%) sign, for example, 30%.

4. Click the OK button.


Break a Column

1. Click the button (Properties) and choose Break in the menu. The Break dialog

• Select Column Break to break the column.
• Select Page Break with Column Break to add a page break when breaking
the column.
• Select No Break to revert a column break.

2. Click the OK button.


Work with Sections on a Dashboard

Sections are used within columns to hold the content of a dashboard. Sections are
aligned vertically by default. You can drag as many sections as you need into a column.
If you drag and drop content into a column without first adding a section to hold the
content, a section is created automatically. If you drag a section from one column
into another column, any content in that section is also included.


Add a New Section

• Drag the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.27 AM object from the Dashboard Objects pane to the location
where you want to add the section.
The column is highlighted when you are at an appropriate location in the column
to drop the section.


Add an Alerts Section to a Dashboard Page

• Drag the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.33 AM object from the Dashboard Objects pane to the location
where you want to add the alerts section.


Make a Section Appear Horizontally in a Dashboard Page

The default alignment for sections is vertical.

• Hover over a section and choose either the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.41 AMor Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 11.00.48 AM button using the pop-up
menu to set horizontal and vertical alignment respectively.


Change the Date Format and Time Zone Information

You can modify the format of the date and time zone information that appears on
dashboards by setting the corresponding preferences in Incent.

note: User-defined preferences override preference set for your business.


Change the Date Format for the Organization

1. Log in to Incent as an Administrator.

2. Click the Setup tab, then click Preferences in the secondary menu. The Preferences
screen appears.

3. Click DATE_FORMAT. The name field is automatically populated. (This field cannot
be edited.)

4. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description field.

5. Choose a date format from the drop-down list in the Value field.

6. Click the Save button. The DATE_FORMAT preference is modified.


Change the Time Zone for the Organization

1. Log in to Incent as an Administrator.

2. Click the Setup tab, then click Preferences in the secondary menu. The Preferences
screen appears.

3. Click TIME_ZONE. The name field is automatically populated. (This field cannot
be edited.)

4. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description field.

5. Choose a time zone from the drop-down list in the Value field.

6. Click the Save button. The TIME_ZONE preference is modified.


Change the Date Format and Time Zone for a User

1. Log in to Incent as the user whose preferences you want to modify.

2. Click the Preferences tab, then click myPreferences in the secondary menu.

The myPreferences screen appears.

3. Choose the format for the date using the Date Format drop-down list, from

among the following:

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4. Choose the time zone using the Time Zone drop-down list.

5. Click the Save button.