Connect SOAP APIs Understanding Xactly Objects


BatchTypeWSO objects are used to group batches for validation and processing.

Table 50 describes the fields in the BatchTypeWSO object.

Table 50: BatchTypeWSO



BonusWSO objects represent values created from Bonus Rules or by manually entering a Bonus result. Bonus values typically represent an incentive amount given to a person as a SPIF (Special Program Incentive Fund), MBO (Management by Objective), or an incentive adjustment. Table 51 describes the fields in the BonusWSO object.

Table 51: BonusWSO Object

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BusinessGroupWSO objects represent information about an organization’s compensation business group. Table 52 describes the fields in the BusinessGroupWSO object.

Table 52: BusinessGroupWSO Object

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CalendarWSO objects represent a specific calendar containing a group of periods. Table 53 describes the fields in the CalendarWSO object.

Table 53: CalendarWSO Object

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CommissionWSO objects represent a result of a Commission rule, which calculates an incentive based on the credit from an Order Item. Table 54 describes the fields in the CommissionWSO object.

Table 54: CommissionWSO Object

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CompOrderItemWSO objects represent an Xactly Order Item created based on a sales transaction that has been processed. Table 55 describes the fields in the CompOrderItemWSO object.

Table 55: CompOrderItemWSO Object

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CompOrderItemAssignmentWSO objects represent people associated with Order Items. Table 56 describes the fields in the CompOrderItemAssignmentWSO object.

Table 56: CompOrderItemAssignmentWSO Object

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CreditWSO objects represent the credit result created by a direct credit rule, indirect credit rule, or manually. Table 57 describes the fields in the CreditWSO object.

Table 57: CreditWSO Object

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CreditTypeWSO objects represent a list of user-defined values that are associated with credit results. which aid in the calculation of incentives. Table 58 describes the fields in the CreditTypeWSO object.

Table 58: CreditTypeWSO Object

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CurrencyRateWSO objects represent an exchange rate defining the conversion from one currency to another. Table 59 describes the fields in the CurrencyRateWSO object.

Table 59: CurrencyRateWSO Object

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CustomerWSO objects represent customer names and information used as reference information on Order Items and for incentive rules. Table 60 describes the fields in the CustomerWSO object.

note: All fields in the CustomerWSO object (except email) support Unicode characters.

Table 60: CustomerWSO Object

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DownloadInfoWSO objects represent the status of download requests. Table 61 describes the fields in the DownloadInfoWSO object.

Table 61: DownloadInfoWSO Object

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EarningGroupWSO objects represent a list of user-defined values that can be associated with credit, commission, and bonus results. Table 62 describes the fields in the EarningGroupWSO object.

Table 62: EarningGroupWSO Object

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EmployeeStatusWSO objects represent a list of user-defined values that are associated with people to indicate the employment status, such as active or terminated. Table 63 describes the fields in the EmployeeStatusWSO object.

Table 63: EmployeeStatusWSO Object

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ErrorCodeWSO objects represent a list of user-defined codes and messages that can be associated with validation rules for identifying errors during staging order item validation processing. Table 64 describes the fields in the ErrorCodeWSO object.

Table 64: ErrorCodeWSO Object

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ExternalTaskRequestWSO objects represent external processes used in Incent process- ing groups. Table 65 describes the fields in the ExternalTaskRequestWSO object.

Table 65: ExternalTaskRequestWSO Object

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ExternalTaskResponseWSO objects contain the response to saveExternaltaskRespon- seResponse operations. Table 66 describes the fields in the ExternalTaskResponseWSO object.

Table 66: ExternalTaskResponseWSO Object

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GeographyWSO objects represent geography names and information used as reference information on Order Items and for incentive rules. Table 67 describes the fields in the GeographyWSO object.

note: The name and description fields in the GeographyWSO object support Uni- code characters.

Table 67: GeographyWSO Object

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HeldCommentWSO objects represent comments used by the hold and release pro- cess. Table 68 describes the fields in the HeldCommentWSO object.

Table 68: HeldCommentWSO Object

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OrderStageWSO objects represent Xactly Order Items created based on sales trans- actions that exist in the Order Staging area. Table 69 describes the fields in the Order- StageWSO object.

Table 69: OrderStageWSO Object

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Table 70 describes the fields in the OrderStageAssignmentWSO object.

Table 70: OrderStageAssignmentWSO Object

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OrderTypeWSO objects represent a list of user-defined values that are associated with Order Items to aid in the calculation of incentives. Table 71 describes the fields in the OrderTypeWSO object.

Table 71: OrderTypeWSO Object

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PaymentWSO objects represent a result of calculating commissions, bonuses, and draw for a person. Each payment includes the payment amount in a person’s payment currency, the business group currency, the business currency, and the currency of the original Order Item. Table 72 describes the fields in the PaymentWSO object.

Table 72: PaymentWSO Object

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PeriodWSO objects represent a period of time. Table 73 describes the fields in the PeriodWSO object.

Table 73: PeriodWSO Object

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PeriodTypeWSO objects represent the type of period, such as Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. Table 74 describes the fields in the PeriodTypeWSO object.

Table 74: PeriodTypeWSO Object

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PersonWSO objects represent the name and associated information about a person who will be receiving incentive compensation. Table 75 describes the fields in the PersonWSO object.

Table 75: PersonWSO Object

namestringThe full name of the person.
descriptionstringThe description of the person.
prefixstringThe prefix of the person, such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.
firstNamestringThe first name of the person.
middleNamestringThe middle name of the person.
lastNamestringThe last name of the person.
employeeIdstringThe employee identifier of the person.
salarydecimalThe salary of the person.
proratedSalarydecimalThe prorated salary of the person.
salaryUnitTypeIdlongThe unit ID of the salary.
hireDatedateTimeThe date the person was hired.
terminationDatedateTimeThe date the person was terminated.
regionstringThe geographical region of the person.
personalTargetdecimalThe personal target of the person.
proratedPersonalTargetdecimalThe prorated personal target of the person.
personalTargetUnitTypeIdlongThe unit ID of the personal target.
paymentCurrencyUnitTypeIdlongThe unit ID of the payment currency.
userlongThe user associated with the person.
employeeStatusIdlongThe employee status identifier.
effectiveStartDatedateTimeThe effective start date of the version.
effectiveEndDatedateTimeThe effective end date of the version.
customFieldsCustomFIeldAn array of custom fields.
isMasterbooleanIndicates whether this is the master record. All versions of this object have this field set to false.
businessGroupIdlongThe business group to which the Person belongs.
versionReasonIdlongThe reason for creating person version,
versionSubReasonIdlongThe sub-reason for creating person version,



PositionHierarchyTypeWSO objects represent the root node of the Position hierarchy. Table 76 describes the fields in the PositionHierarchyTypeWSO object.

note: When adding a new version, use the displayName field (instead of the name field).

Table 76: PositionHierarchyTypeWSO Object

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PositionHierachyWSO objects represent a node in the Position hierarchy. Table 77 describes the fields in the PositionHierarchyWSO object.

Table 77: PositionHierarchyWSO Object

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PositionRelationsWSO objects represent a node in the Position Relation tree. Table 78 describes the fields in the PositionRelationsWSO object.

Table 78: PositionRelationsWSO Object

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PositionRelationTypeWSO objects represent the root node of the Position Relation tree. Table 79 describes the fields in the PositionRelationTypeWSO object.

Table 79: PositionRelationTypeWSO Object

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PositionWSO objects represent a position in the organizational hierarchy that defines the association with other positions. Table 80 describes the fields in the PositionWSO object.

Table 80: PositionWSO Object

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ProcessStatusWSO objects are used to monitor and manage the validation and calculation processes as the data moves from the Order Staging area to the Processed Orders area in Xactly Incent. Table 81 describes the fields in the ProcessStatusWSO object.

Table 81: ProcessStatusWSO Object

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The following describes the status codes for the currentState property:

  • CREDIT_PROCESSING_ENUM—Used to start a credit calculation process. The state also indicates that the credit calculation is still in progress.
  • INCENT_PROCESSING_ENUM—Used to start an incentive calculation process. The state also indicates that the incentive calculation is still in progress.
  • CREDIT_PROCESSING_FINISHED—Indicates that the credit processing has completed.
  • INCENT_PROCESSING_FINISHED—Indicates that the incentive calculation process has completed.
  • PROCESSING_ABORTED—Indicates that the process has been aborted.
  • ABORT_IN_PROGRESS—Indicates that the abort operation is in progress.
  • TIMEOUT_ENUM—Indicates that operation has timed out.



ProductWSO objects represent product names, families, and information used as reference information on Order Items and for incentive rules. Table 82 describes the fields in the ProductWSO object.

note: The name, description, and productCode fields in the ProductWSO object support Unicode characters.

Table 82: ProductWSO Object

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QueueEventStatusWSO objects represent the queue event status. Table 83 describes the fields in the QueueEventStatusWSO object.

Table 83: QueueEventStatusWSO Object

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QuotaWSO objects represent attainment goals specified by months, quarters, and years. Table 84 describes the fields in the QuotaWSO object.

note: The name and quotaPeriodName fields are searchable.

Table 84: QuotaWSO Object

namestringThe name of the quota.
descriptionstringThe description of the quota.
quotaClassificationstringThe quota classification type.
quotaValuedecimalThe value of the quota.
quotaValueUnitTypeIdlongThe unit type ID of the quota value.
quotaValueUnitTypeNamestringThe name of the unit type for the quota value.
quotaPeriodIdlongThe identifier of the period associated with the quota.
quotaPeriodNamestringThe name of the period associated with the quota.
quotaIntervalIdlongThe identifier of the interval associated with the quota.
quotaIntervalNamestringThe interval name of the quota.
An array of Quota Assignment objects per participant and per quota interval.




QuotaAssignmentWSO objects represent the association with a Quota to a Position or Title. Table 85 describes the fields in the QuotaAssignmentWSO object.

Table 85: QuotaAssignmentWSO Object

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ReasonCodeWSO objects represent a list of user-defined values that can be associated with credit, commission, and bonus results. Table 86 describes the fields in the ReasonCodeWSO object.

Table 86: ReasonCodeWSO Object

namestringThe name of the reason code.
descriptionstringThe description of the reason code.
versionReasonTypeIdstringThe version reason type identifier.



ReleaseErrorWSO objects represent errors detected during the release process. Table 87 describes the fields in the ReleaseErrorWSO object.

Table 87: ReleaseErrorWSO Object

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ReleaseGroupWSO objects represent the release groups used by the release process. Table 88 describes the fields in the ReleaseGroupWSO object.

Table 88: ReleaseGroupWSO Object

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ReleaseStatusWSO objects represent information about the asynchronous release pro- cess. Table 89 describes the fields in the ReleaseStatusWSO object.

Table 89: ReleaseStatusWSO Object

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RoleWSO objects represent a set of user privileges defining the ability to access a tab or a page within the tab. Table 90 describes the fields in the RoleWSO object.

Table 90: RoleWSO Object

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TitleWSO objects represent a job title associated with a group of people that can be used for assigning quotas, rate tables and plans. Table 91 describes the fields in the TitleWSO object.

Table 91: TitleWSO Object

namestringThe name of the title.
descriptionstringThe description of the title.
categoryOtherValuestringThe category name, if other is selected
functionOtherValuestringThe function name, if other is selected.
categoryNamestringThe category of the title, from among the following:
levelstringThe level of the title, from among the following:
functionNamestringThe function of the title, from among the following:
marketstringThe market of the title, from among the following:



UnitTypeWSO objects represent a type associated to a number field that defines the unit of measure. Table 92 describes the fields in the UnitTypeWSO object.

Table 92: UnitTypeWSO Object

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UserWSO objects represent a user and enables you to assign roles that define tab and page level security within the application. Table 93 describes the fields in the UserWSO object.

Table 93: UserWSO Object

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UserBatchWSO objects represent a name used to group a set of Order Items. Table 94 describes the fields in the UserBatchWSO object.

Table 94: UserBatchWSO Object





ValidationStatusWSO objects represent the status of a validation process. Table 95 describes the fields in the ValidationStatusWSO object.

Table 95: ValidationStatusWSO Object

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The following describes the status codes for the currentState property:

  • VALIDATE_PROCESSING_ENUM—Used to start a validation process. The state also indicates that the validation is still in progress.
  • VALIDATE_PROCESSING_FINISHED—Indicates that the validation processing has completed.
  • PROCESSING_ABORTED—Indicates that the process has been aborted.
  • ABORT_IN_PROGRESS—Indicates that the abort operation is in progress.
  • TIMEOUT_ENUM—Indicates that operation has timed out.