
Quota Relationships

Quota Relationships You can use columns in the Quota Relationships dimension to add quota relationship information available in Xactly Incent to reports in Xactly Analytics. The dimension is compatib...

Objective Plan

Objective Plan You can use columns in the Objective Plan dimension to  add information about Xactly Objectives plans to your reports. Using the dimension, you can include information about the [&hell...


Title You can use columns in the Title dimension to add information about the person’s Title associated with orders, credits, commissions, bonuses, draws, quotas, and payment data. Screen Titl...

Fact: Commissions

Fact: Commissions You can use columns in the Commission fact to analyze and report on data associated with commissions. note: Partial commission details, such as the Estimated Release Date, Held [&hel...

Lookup Table

Lookup Table You can use columns in the Lookup Table dimension to to define the lookup table name associated with commission transactions. You can use this to analyze which lookup […]


Objectives Dimension You can use columns in the Objective dimension to add information from Xactly Objectives to your reports. Using the dimension, you can include information about the objective typ...

Fact: Objective

Fact: Objective You can use columns in the Objective fact to analyze and report on Xactly Objectives data associated with payments. Screen Fact: Objective Columns Columns The following table descri...

Pay Curve

Pay Curve You can use columns in the Pay Curve dimension to add the pay curve name to reports. Screen Pay Curve Columns Columns The following table describes the columns in the […]

Reason Code

Reason Code You can use columns in the Reason Code dimension to add information about the Reason Code to credits, commissions, and bonus data. Screen Reason Code Columns Columns The following [&helli...

Analytics Dashboards

Analytics Dashboards Dashboards provide personalized views of corporate and external information. A dashboards can display anything that you can access or open with your Web browser, such as saved rep...