Connect SOAP APIs Understanding Xactly Objects BatchTypeWSO BatchTypeWSO objects are used to group batches for validation and processing. Table 50 describes the fields in the BatchTypeWSO object. Tabl...
myHome Administrator
myHome You can use the myHome area to access an advanced, at-a-glance dashboard that enables you to perform common administrative tasks quickly and easily from a single location. Information is [&hell...
Analytics Overview
Analytics Overview Xactly Analytics provides answers to business questions. It allows you to explore and interact with information, and present and visualize information using graphs, pivot tables, an...
Business Groups
Setup > Business Groups Business groups are a grouping mechanism that can be used to create logical grouping for your organization. Examples include grouping by regions or by business units. The...
myHome Administrator
myHome Introduction The Home area offers an advanced, at-a-glance dashboard, featuring a series of pods that enable you to perform common administrative tasks quickly and easily from a single location...
Connect SOAP API Developer’s Guide Understanding Xactly Objects
Connect SOAP API Developer’s Guide Understanding Xactly Objects BatchTypeWSO BatchTypeWSO objects are used to group batches for validation and processing. Table 50 describes the fields in the Ba...
Display the Business Dashboard
Display the Business Dashboard • Click the Home tab, then click myHome in the secondary menu. The Business Dashboard appears. note: Note that the name of the Business Dashboard is […]