Connect SOAP APIs Understanding Xactly Objects BatchTypeWSO BatchTypeWSO objects are used to group batches for validation and processing. Table 50 describes the fields in the BatchTypeWSO object. Tabl...
Setup > Users You can use the Users area to define users in Xactly Incent, assign roles, and provide Incent and Modeling access. A user is required for defining people who […]
Customer Use columns in the Customer dimension to add information about customers to orders, credits, commissions, bonuses, and payments data. Note that the Customer dimension includes columns Level 1...
Submitting Customer Data for Xactly Incent
Submitting Customer Data for Xactly Incent When submitting customer data for use with Xactly Incent, Xactly offers a Secure FTP (SFTP) site that you can use as a staging area. […]
Connect SOAP API Developer’s Guide Understanding Xactly Objects
Connect SOAP API Developer’s Guide Understanding Xactly Objects BatchTypeWSO BatchTypeWSO objects are used to group batches for validation and processing. Table 50 describes the fields in the Ba...