Available Pods on the myHome Page
Dashboards can provide an at-a-glance view of your orders, credits, payments, messages,
and other plan-related information using the pods described in this section.
note: The specific pods to which you have access is controlled by your administrator.
Analytics Dashboards—Displays a list of Analytics dashboards, and enables you to click to view individual dashboards.
Commissions by Earning Group—Displays a summary of your current commissions by earning group.
Current Period Attainment—Displays a gauge of the current quota attainment for the period.
Current Plan Information—Displays a summary of your current plan. Clicking the View Plan Summary button displays the Plan Summary report (in the myIncentives area).
Current Quarter Attainment—Displays a gauge of the current quota attainment for the quarter.
Current Year Attainment—Displays a gauge of the current quota attainment for the year.
Current Year Bonuses by Period—Displays a stacked bar chart of the current year bonuses (held and released) by period (month).
Current Year Commissions by Period—Displays a stacked bar chart of the current year commissions (held and released) by period (month).
Current Year Credits by Period—Displays a stacked bar chart of the current year credits (held and released) by period (month).
Current Year Credits by Type—Displays a chart of total credits for your current incentive year, by credit type.
Current Year Payments—Displays a bar chart of the payments, by period, for the current year
Custom Reports—Displays the list of available custom reports
Individual Ranks on Attainment—Displays individual rankings across multiple attainment results
Messages—Displays a summary of personal and company messages.
Orders and Credits—Displays the credits and order information for the current month, allowing you to drill down for additional details.
Payments—Displays commissions, bonuses, draws, recovered balances, and payments earned for the current period.
Plan Illustrator—Displays a summary based on the last illustration performed by the sales representative.
Team Overview—Displays yearly, quarterly, and monthly team overview reports
Team Ranks on Attainment—Displays team rankings across multiple attainment results
Xactly Docs—Displays links to your document action items and to all your Xactly documents