Audit Entity

Attribute Type Updatable Comments
 id  UUID  no
 action  string  no The action that resulted from the API call
 username  string  no The username for the active session used for this call
serverIpAddress  string  no The IP address of the server
serverPort  numeric  no The server port
resource  string  no The URI of the resource (API)
queryParams  string  no The URL parameters
remoteHost  string  no The domain name or IP address of the caller
sessionId  string  no The session ID
requestHeaders  string  no The HTTP headers associated with the request
requestBody  string  no The HTTP request body
responseStatus  int  no The HTTP response code (e.g. 200, 201, 400)
responseBody string no The HTTP response body
message  int  no Error or occasional informational message
 createdInstant  datetime  no
createdBy  string  no Username associated with session
 modifiedInstant  datetime  no
 modifiedBy  string  no Username associated with session

List of APIs

Note: We have tried to keep this list up to date. However, for the most up to date list, see the interactive docs:

GET /connect/v1/audits
Get a paginated list of all Audit records. You can provide a page number (default 0) and a page size (default 100, max 1000) to get the results in chunks. You can also provide a RSQL query (see  A description of the pagination pattern and metadata can be found here: [LINK]