1. Click the Home tab, then click Plan Information in the secondary menu. The Plan Information screen appears.
2. In the Hierarchy Period pane, choose period and date using the corresponding fields.
Organizational Hierarchy
3. (Optional) Search for a person by typing text in the Search box and selecting the appropriate person that appears.
4. (Optional) Select a person using the Organizational Hierarchy pane. Do the following:
• Click the button to expand the hierarchy by a single level. Similarly, click the button to collapse the hierarchy to the corresponding level.
• Select a person to display the corresponding report.
• Click the Collapse All button to collapse the view to the root (top) of the hierarchy.
• Click Full View to button to display the organizational hierarchy using the entire left pane. Similarly, click the Normal View button to shrink the organizational hierarchy down to the bottom of the left pane (default view).