eDocs & Approvals Introduction

The Docs area allows you to create and manage Xactly documents, which consist of an attached file, plan document, or certification letter, along with a group of notification templates and a workflow definition that Incent uses to route the document.

Using the Docs area, you can also create and manage workflow definitions, which are the process steps in the workflow along with the actions to be completed in case a user declines approval or the system encounters an error. Each workflow process consists of one or more steps, with each step specifying an action by a specific user.

As documents are routed through Incent, the status of the document changes from pending (a document waiting for an action to be performed by a user) to completed (signifying that a document has completed all process steps).

What You Can Do

You can complete the following tasks in the Docs area:

  • Display the status of all Xactly documents
  • Display details about all documents or only those documents for which you have an associated action item
  • Manage document workflow paths (create new workflows, modify existing workflows, and delete workflows)
  • Define and manage notification groups
  • Create routing lists and route documents to these lists
  • Manage Xactly documents (create new documents, modify existing documents, and delete documents)

Access Control

The Docs privilege, with its underlying pages, is needed for access to the Docs area.