Organization > Positions
The Positions area is used to define the unique positions within your organization. Positions
are jobs in the company that may or may not have people in them. For a person
to receive incentive compensation, the person must be assigned to a position but
does not have to be in a hierarchy.
note: Business group administrators can only search, view, create, modify, upload,
download, audit, and delete Position records that are assigned to business groups to
which the administrators themselves are assigned.
important: A person can be assigned to only one Position for any date.
Access Control
The Hierarchy privilege is needed for access to the Positions area.
Positions Home Screen
Required Fields
The following table describes the required information you need to specify when managing
Optional Fields
The following table describes the optional information you can specify when managing
All Fields
The following table describes the information you can specify when managing positions:
How to…
This section describes how to manage positions.
Search Positions
- Click the Organization tab, then click Positions in the secondary menu. The Positions Home screen appears.
Positions Home ScreenFrom the Positions Search Results or Positions Create & Edit screens, you can start a new search by clicking the New Search button.
Step 1: Select the versions to search
- Select whether to search all versions or just the latest version.
Step 2a: Define basic search criteria
- Type the value in Position Name field.
Step 2b: (Optional) Define advanced search criteria
- Click the button next to the Field, select a field for the search criteria, and click OK.
- Choose an Operator from the drop-down list
- Type or choose a value in the Value field.
- Click Add Row to add to the search criteria; click Delete Row to remove the last row in the search criteria list.
- Click Search. Alternatively, click Clear to clear the search formnote: The search matches substrings and is not case sensitive. This means that searching for “dir” using the Position field matches Director of Customer Support and Director of Technical Support, for example.
- (Optional) Click the All Positions button. All positions appear in the Positions Search Results area.note: Refer to the Xactly Concepts Guide for examples of how to perform advanced searches.
Create a Position
- Click the Create Position button. The Position Create & Edit screen appears. Positions Create & Edit Screen
Step 1: Enter effective dates for this version
- Enter the effective start date for the version in the Effective Start* field.note: This field is read-only when creating a position for the first time. You can, however, edit this field when adding versions.
- (Optional) Enter a description of the version in the Description field.
Step 2: Enter position information
- Enter the position in the Position Name* field.
- (Optional) Click the calendar next to the Incentive Start Date field. The date you select determines when a position can start receiving credit for order items.
- (Optional) Click the calendar next to the Incentive End Date field. The date you select determines when a position stops receiving incentives.
- Click the button next to the Title (latest)* field. A dialog appears showing the list of Titles.
- Select a Title and click the OK button. The Title appears in the Title (latest)* field.
- Choose a Business Group* from the drop-down list. This is the business group to which the position belongs.note: This selected business group applies to all versions of the position.
- Click thebutton next to the Person Name (latest) field. A dialog appears showing the list of People.
- Select a Person and click the OK button. The Person appears in the Person Name (latest) field.
- Click the Save > Save version button. Click All Positions to display the list of titles, including the newly-created title. Alternatively, you can click the Save > Save and add new version button to copy the content from the latest version of the position and begin creating a new effective version. You can also click the Save > Save and add new position button to save the position and display the form to add a new position.
- (Optional) Click All Positions to display the list of positions, including the newly-created position.
Manage Versions
You can add, edit, or delete versions, determine where a version is being used, and display the audit trail for versions.
Add a Version
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Edit Position button.
- Click the Add Version button. A dialog appears enabling you to select the effective start date. Note that the effective start must be after the effective start date of the latest existing version of the position. The calendar prevents you from choosing a date that does not meet this criteria.
Select an Effective Start Date Dialog - Choose the effective start date and click Save.
- Modify the editable fields, as required.
- Click Save > Save version to add the new version. The application copies the information from the latest version and saves it using the new effective start. You can then edit and save any changes, as required.
Delete a Version
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Edit Position button.
- Select a version in the list.
- Click the Delete Version button. A dialog appears enabling you to add a comment describing the reason. Note that you cannot delete the first (master) version unless the Position is deleted. Deleting a version updates the effective end date of the version preceding it.
- Enter a comment and click Delete.
Determine Where a Version is Being Used
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Edit Position button.
- Select a version in the list.
- Click the Where Used button. A dialog appears displaying where the version is used.
- Click Download to save the information to a text file. A dialog appears enabling you to save the file to disk. Click OK, choose a location, and click Save. The information is downloaded to the selected file.
- Click Close.
Audit a Version
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Edit Position button.
- Select a version in the list.
- Click the Audit Version button. A dialog appears displaying the audit trail for the position version. Audit Trail
- Click Download to save the audit to a text file. A dialog appears enabling you to save the file to disk. Click OK, choose a location, and click Save. The audit is downloaded to the selected file.
- Click the OK button to dismiss the audit dialog.
Edit a Position
note: The Position name cannot be changed after saving.
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Edit Position button. Alternatively, you can double-click a Position in the Positions Search Results area.
- Select a version from the list. Alternatively, you can create a new version by clicking the Add Version button.
- Edit the fields that require changes.
You cannot edit the effective start of the first version. You can, however, edit the effective start of any other version, but it must fall after the effective start of the version before it and before the effective start of the version after it. - Click the Save > Save version button. Click All Positions to display the list of positions, including the edited position.
Upload and Download Positions
This section describes how to upload and download positions.
Upload Positions
- Click the Upload Positions button. The Upload Positions dialog appears.
- Click the Click here link to download the CSV template file, which contains a list of fields you need to complete to create positions. Depending on your browser, a dialog might appear allowing you to specify where to save the file. The CSV-format file contains the following fields:note: The Employee ID cannot be changed once it is saved.• Position Name*
• (Optional) Effective Start Date
• (Optional) Description
• (Optional) Incentive Start Date
• (Optional) Incentive End Date
• Business Group*
• (Optional) Employee ID
• Title* - Add the position data to the file and save the CSV-format file.
- In the File field, click the Browse (or equivalent) button, and select the CSV-format file that you just saved.
- Select the update option, from among the following:• Allow creation of new Position versions
• Allow updates to existing Position versions
• Allow updates and new Position creation - Click the Upload button to upload the file. A confirmation message appears.
- Click the OK button.
Important Points for Uploading Positions
Note the following when uploading positions using a CSV-format file.
• Custom Fields have been created in Xactly Incent and column headers
are labeled to match.
• Formulas and expressions are not supported in cells.
• All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
• All rows without errors will be uploaded.
• If a Position already exists, the data is modified. If the Position does not
exist, the new data is uploaded.
• You can update a Person associated with a Position during upload, but
you cannot remove an associated Person by leaving the Employee ID field
• To cancel the upload operation, click the Cancel button.
Upload Error Messages
If the upload is unsuccessful, a fail message will appear. The following are some of
the fail messages you might see:
• Required field. Enter a value. Required field data missing.
• Invalid date found in column . Enter a valid date. An
invalid date was found.
• Invalid Employee ID, . Enter an existing Employee ID. An invalid
employee ID was found.
• Invalid Title, . Enter an existing Title. An invalid title was found.
• More than one record for Position Name exists. Only one record
per Position Name can be uploaded at once. A duplicate position name
was found.
• Person <value> can only be assigned to one position on any effective
date. Only a single Person should be assigned to a position for a given
effective date.
• Select Update existing records to edit an existing version. The Update flag
was not selected.
• Select Create new to add new records and versions. The Create flag was
not selected.
• Effective Start must be after the latest version effective start. An invalid
effective start date was found.
note: If any of the failed messages appear, correct the error and upload the
file again.
Download Positions to a Text File
note: The positions text file has all the text running together, as one row of text. For this reason, the file needs to be opened in Excel, as a Delimited, Semicolon file. By opening the file as Delimited, Semicolon, the text will be imported into separate rows and columns in Excel.
- Click the Download Positions button. The Select Position versions to download screen appears.
- Choose the download format, either Comma Separated Values (CSV) or Text, and click Download. A dialog appears enabling you to save the file to disk.
- Click OK, choose a location, and click Save. The versions are downloaded to the selected file.
- To view the downloaded file, do one of the following:For text files, do the following:a. Launch Excel, and open the downloaded file. The Test Import Wizard appears.
b. In step 1 of the Text Import Wizard, choose “65001 : Unicode (UTF-8)” using the File origin drop-down list, and complete the rest of the Text Import Wizard.For CSV files, do the following:
a. Launch Excel and create a new workbook.
b. Click Data > Get External Data > From Text, select the CSV file using Import Text File dialog, and click Import.
c. In step 1 of the Text Import Wizard, choose “65001 : Unicode (UTF-8)” using the File origin drop-down list, and complete the rest of the Text Import Wizard.For either text or CSV files, you can also do the following:
a. Open the downloaded file using the Notepad application, and save the file without making any changes using the UTF-8 encoding (this saves any Unicode-encoded information).
b. Open the newly-saved file in Excel.
Delete a Position
- Select a Position from the list in the Positions Search Results area.
- Click the Delete Position button. A message appears asking “All versions of this position will be deleted. Do you wish to continue?”.
- Click the OK button to confirm the deletion, or click the Cancel button to cancel the action.