Results > Bonuses

You can use the Bonuses area to view calculated bonuses in a period. A bonus may be calculated based on an order item. Bonuses are not dependent on a credit being created.

note: Business group administrators can only search, view, and download bonus results that are associated with business groups to which the administrators themselves are assigned. Similarly, business group administrators can only search, view, create, release, and download held bonuses that are associated with business groups to which the administrators themselves are assigned.

Customizing Searches

The Released and Held pages offer you the ability to customize your standard searches. By configuring and saving the search fields and columns, you can tailor the search experience to your needs and save time finding precisely the information you need. Customized searches are defined by the following information:

• Search fields—The specific data fields used in the search. The search fields you specify appear in the Filters pane of the sidebar after running a search, allowing you to fine-tune your search in an iterative fashion.
• Columns—The columns of data that appear as part of the search results. Specifying the columns and their order allows you to prioritize important information on the search results page.

You can also create saved searches that define specific search fields and search criteria. You can then access not only your previously-saved searches, but also searches saved by other administrators. You can further mark certain saved searches as favorites for quick and easy access.

For more information, see “Customizing and Saving Searches”.


Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 9.28.12 AMBonuses Screen

Released Bonuses

The following table describes the information displayed when searching bonuses on the Released page:

Actual Release Date The date the bonus was released.
AmountThe amount of the bonus for the position or person.
Business GroupThe business group associated with the bonus.
Created DateThe date and time on which the bonus was created.
Customer NameA descriptive name for the customer.
Earning GroupThe earning group associated with the bonus.
Est. Release DateThe estimated release date of a processed bonus.
Geography NameA descriptive name for the geography.
Held?Indicates whether the bonus is held.
Incentive DateThe date that a calculated incentive is given to a salesperson for an order item.
Input TypeThe input type specifying how a rule is triggered. Bonuses
can be triggered by either an order or a credit.
Item CodeThe order item code associated with the bonus.
Order CodeThe order code associated with the bonus.
Period The period for which bonuses are displayed.
Person NameThe name of the person associated with the bonus.
Position NameThe name of the position associated with the bonus.
Product NameA descriptive name for the product.
Reason CodeThe reason code, as defined in the Setup > Configure > Reason Code area.
Result NameThe name of the bonus.
Rule NameThe name of the rule used to calculate the bonus.

Held Bonuses

The following table describes the information displayed when searching bonuses on the Held page:

Actual Release Date The date the bonus was released.
AmountThe amount of the bonus for the position or person.
Business GroupThe business group associated with the bonus.
Created DateThe date and time on which the bonus was created.
Customer NameA descriptive name for the customer.
Earning GroupThe earning group associated with the bonus.
Est. Release DateThe estimated release date of a processed bonus.
Geography NameA descriptive name for the geography.
Held?Indicates whether the bonus is held.
Incentive DateThe date that a calculated incentive is given to a salesperson for an order item.
Input TypeThe input type.
Item CodeThe order item code associated with the bonus.
Order CodeThe order code associated with the bonus.
Period The period for which bonuses are displayed.
Person NameThe name of the person associated with the bonus.
Position NameThe name of the position associated with the bonus.
Product NameA descriptive name for the product.
Reason CodeUsed to audit the reason why a bonus was put on hold.
Result NameThe name of the bonus.
Rule NameThe name of the rule used to calculate the bonus.

note: You can configure the search fields that appear in the Filters pane of the sidebar when defining the search settings.

How to …

This section describes how to manage bonus results.

Manage Bonuses

Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses screen appears.

• To manage released bonuses, click the Released button. The Released Bonuses screen appears allowing you to search and download released bonuses.
For more information about managing released bonuses, see “Manage Released Bonuses”.
• To manage held bonuses, click the Held button. The Held Bonuses screen appears allowing you to view, release, and download held bonuses.
For more information about managing held bonuses, see “Manage Held Bonuses”.

Manage Released Bonuses

You can use the Released page to manage released bonuses. Using the Released page, you can complete the following tasks:

• Search released bonuses (both basic and more complex searches)
• Customize your search filters and results
• Download released bonuses

Search Released Bonuses

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears allowing you to specify the search criteria.

2. In the Period field (on the left), choose a period using the drop-down list.

3. Specify the basic search criteria.

Do the following:

• In text fields, type an appropriate value in the field.
• In drop-down list fields, choose the appropriate value.
• In fields that allow you to search for a value, click the  Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.02.00 PM button and select the appropriate value using the dialog that appears.
• In date fields, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.02.41 PMbutton and select the appropriate date using the dialog that appears.
• To clear a field, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.03.37 PM button for the corresponding field.

4. Define a search using more fields, if required.

Do the following:

a. Click the More Search Options button (near the bottom).
b. In the Basic Search section, modify the basic search criteria.
c. In the General Result Information, Order Information, and Bonus Information sections, specify or modify the additional search criteria.

5. Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.09.27 PM button. The search results appear.
The search criteria appear above the results, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.09.41 PMSearch Criteria

To remove a field from the search criteria, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.03.37 PMbutton for the corresponding field.

6. Refine the search results, as required.

Do the following:

• In the Period field (on the left), choose a period using the drop-down list. The results update immediately.
• In the Filters pane (on the left), specify additional search criteria to further filter the search results and click the  Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.12.11 PM    button. The updated results appear.
• Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.18.57 PMbutton to save the current search. The Create Saved Search dialog appears. Type a name for the search and click theScreen Shot 2017-01-17 at 10.46.11 AM button.

7. To display bonus details, click a bonus. A Details pane appears displaying general result, person, order, and bonus information.

Download Released Bonuses

You can download released bonuses to either a Comma Separated Values (CSV) or text (.TXT) file.

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears allowing you to specify the search criteria.

2. Select the appropriate period.

3. To download all bonuses for the selected period, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.27.32 PMbutton. The Download dialog appears.

a. In the Download Name field, type the name of the download.
b. In the Download Format field, select the download format (either CSV or TXT).

4. To download specific bonuses, search for the appropriate bonuses. The search results appear.

a. Click theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.27.59 PM button. The Download dialog appears.
b. In the Download Name field, type the name of the download.
c. In the Download Format field, select the download format (either CSV or TXT).

5. Click theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.28.07 PM button.
The download starts processing. You can check the status by clicking theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.27.50 PM button in the main menu (top right of the screen). Click OK again.

Manage Held Bonuses

You can use the Held page to manage held credits. Using the Held page, you can complete the following tasks:

• Search held bonuses (both basic and more complex searches)
• Customize your search filters and results
• Release held bonuses
• Add and view comments
• Download held bonuses

note: Access to the Held page is set in the Setup > Roles area (by setting the Holds privilege to Read-Write).

Search Held Bonuses

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears. Click the Held button.

Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 10.07.03 AMBasic Search Screen

2. Select a tab to specify the primary search criteria.
You need to choose from among the following:

• Estimated Release Date—Use to search by a range of estimated release dates
• Orders—Use to search by order and item codes
• Person—Use to search by person
• Processed Period—Use to search by processed period

3. Specify the basic search criteria.

Do the following:

• In text fields, type an appropriate value in the field.
• In drop-down list fields, choose the appropriate value.
• In fields that allow you to search for a value, click the   Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.02.00 PM button and select the appropriate value using the dialog that appears.
• In date fields, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.02.41 PMbutton and select the appropriate date using the dialog that appears.
• To clear a field, click theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.03.37 PM button for the corresponding field.

4. Define a search using more fields, if required.

Do the following:

a. Click the More Search Options button (near the bottom).
b. In the Basic Search section, modify the basic search criteria.
c. In the General Result Information, Person Information, Order Information, and Bonus Information sections, specify or modify the additional search criteria.

5. Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.54.59 PMbutton. The search results appear.
The search criteria appear above the results, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.33.24 PMSearch Criteria

To remove a field from the search criteria, click the button for the corresponding field.

6. Refine the search results, as required.

Do the following:

• In the Filters pane (on the left), specify additional search criteria to further filter the search results and click theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.12.11 PM  button. The updated results appear.
• Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.18.57 PM button to save the current search. The Create Saved Search dialog appears. Type a name for the search and click the button.

7. To display bonus details, click a bonus. A Details pane appears.

Release Held Bonuses

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears. Click the Held button.

2. Search for the appropriate held bonuses.

3. To release specific held bonuses, select the corresponding check boxes, hover over the Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.35.56 PMbutton, and choose Selected Holds. The Release Selected dialog appears.

Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 10.25.15 AMRelease Selected Dialog

Alternatively, to release all held bonuses in the current search, hover over the Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.35.56 PM button, and choose Holds in Primary Search.

Do the following:

a. In the Release Date field, select the date for which the payment applies.
b. (Optional) In the Release Group field, select the corresponding release group.
If you leave this field blank, the release group is generated automatically during processing.
c. (Optional) In the Comment field, type a comment (that will be visible to administrators only).
d. Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 1.42.44 PMbutton. The release action is added to the process queue.

Display and Add Comments

You can add comments to held bonuses, and display existing comments, as appropriate.

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears. Click the Held button.

2. To display existing comments, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 1.14.41 PM button that appears to the left of held bonuses (in the results list). The Comments dialog appears showing the current comments.

3. To add a comment, do any of the following:

• Click theScreen Shot 2017-01-20 at 1.14.56 PM button to the left of a held bonuses and type the comment in the text box.
• Select one or more check boxes next to held bonuses, click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 1.15.03 PM button, and type the comment in the text box.
• When viewing existing comments, type the comment in the text box.
Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 1.15.12 PMbutton.

Download Held Bonuses

You can download held bonuses to either a Comma Separated Values (CSV) or text (.TXT) file.

1. Click the Results tab, then click Bonuses in the secondary menu. The Bonuses > Released screen appears. Click the Held button.

2. Search for the appropriate held bonuses.

3. Click the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.27.32 PMbutton. The Download dialog appears.

4. In the Download Name field, type the name of the download.

5. In the Download Format field, select the download format (either CSV or TXT), and click Download.

The download starts processing. You can check the status by clicking the Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 12.27.50 PM button in the main menu (top right of the screen). Click OK again.