Managing Objectives
Employees and managers can use Xactly Objectives to define and manage objectives
within an organization, enabling managers to align individual goals with company
goals, and allowing employees to gain greater visibility into attainment and
payouts based on assigned objectives.
What You Can Do
Employees and managers can complete the following tasks on the Dashboard:
• Check which action items are due
• Display an overview of your team’s objectives (managers)
• Display an overview of your objectives (employees, and managers who are
assigned objectives)
Employees (and managers assigned objectives) can complete the following tasks in
the My Objectives area:
• Display your plan objectives
• Display details of specific objectives
• Display achievement estimates of objectives
• Review plans shared by managers, modifying objectives as appropriate
• Add comments to objectives
Managers can complete the following tasks in the My Team area:
• Display a team member’s objectives
• Add objectives to plans
• Display details of specific objectives
• Estimate the achievement of objectives
• Create new objectives, and set quantitative targets, if appropriate
• Specify how objectives are measured
• Share plans with employees to solicit input
• Submit plans for approval