Orders and Credits (Android)

You can use the Orders and Credits pod to display order and credit information for the current month, with an option to drill down to view additional details.


Orders and Credits Pod

All Fields

The following table describes the information displayed in the Orders and Credits pod:

OrdersCustomer NameThe name of the customer.
Order CodeThe order code.
Order AmountThe amount of the order.
Product NameThe name of the product.
Incentive DateThe date when the payment is be released.
Item CodeThe order item code.
Split AmountThe split amount.
Split PercentThe split percentage.
Order TypeThe type of the order.
CreditsCustomer NameThe name of the customer.
Product NameThe name of the product.
Credit AmountThe amount of the credit.
GeographyThe topography of the order.
Order CodeThe order code.
Item CodeThe order item code.
Incentive DateThe date when the payment is be released.
Credit TypeThe type of the credit.

How to…

This section describes how to use the Orders and Credits pod.

Expand the Pod

  • Tap the pod to expand the pod to fill the screen.

Display Specific Orders or Credits

1. Expand the pod to fill the screen.

2. Select either Orders or Credits to display the related information.

Processed Orders View

3. Tap an item in the list to display specific details.

3. Tap the  button to return to the tabular view.

Collapse/Close the Pod

  • Tap the  button (in the upper left of the pod) to close the pod and return to the dashboard.