Using the Pivot Table View

The pivot table view displays results in a pivot table, which provides a summary view of
data in cross-tab format and enables users to see different views of data by dragging
and dropping rows and columns.
Pivot tables structure data similarly to standard tables that contain column groups, but
can display multiple levels of both row and column headings. Unlike regular tables,
each data cell in a pivot table contains a unique value.
By organizing data in this way, a pivot table is more efficient than a row-based table.
Pivot tables are ideal for displaying a large quantity of data, for browsing data hierarchically,
and for trend analysis.
note: Pivot tables are restricted to 5,000 records


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Pivot Table View

How to…

Add a Pivot Table View

1. Create or modify the report with which you want to work.

2. Click the Results tab.

3. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 1.14.37 PM button and choose the Pivot Table using the drop-down, cascading

4. Configure the view, as required.

5. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 4.53.31 PMbutton to save the view.

6. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 10.20.53 AM button to save the report.

Configure a Pivot Table View

1. Create or modify the report with which you want to work.

2. Click the Results tab. The Results page appears.

3. In the Views pane, select the pivot table view and click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 1.15.47 PMbutton. The view
appears in the workspace.

4. In the Layout pane, specify the layout of the pivot table view.

Do the following:

a. Use drop targets to modify the way that data is arranged in a view.
In the Layout pane, the columns in a pivot table view are displayed in drop
targets. Drop targets represent a valid position for a column and indicate
where a column can be inserted, moved to, or dropped. Examples of drop
targets include Pivot Table Prompts and Sections, among others.
Drag and drop columns from the Subject Areas pane to a drop target. You
can also use drop targets to modify the way data is arranged in a graph view
by dragging and dropping columns to different targets within the view.
b. Click theScreen Shot 2016-08-17 at 4.16.48 PM button (Properties) in a drop target to configure the properties for
the target. The Properties dialog appears.
Configure the drop target properties, as required.
c. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 12.55.45 PMbutton in a drop target to add a grand total for the drop target.

You can choose from among the following options:

• None—Exclude totals
• Before—Include totals before the data items
• After—Include totals after the data items
• Format Labels—Display the Edit Format dialog, allowing you to specify the
custom text to insert into a totals heading using the Caption field and format
the labels
• Format Values—Display the Edit Format dialog, allowing you to specify the
formatting of the totals values

d. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 12.55.54 PMbutton in a drop target to choose more formatting and configuration

You can choose from among the following options:

• Format Headings—Display the Edit Format dialog, allowing you to apply
cosmetic formatting to the headings.
• Format Values—Display the Edit Format dialog, allowing you to apply cosmetic
formatting to the values.
• Hidden—Hide the column from the output. Hidden columns do not affect
the aggregation of the values.
• Show Data As—Display a measure as either an actual or a relative value.
You can display the relative value of the measure, compared to the total,
without the need to explicitly create a calculated item for it.
The Show Data As options is available only for items that are stored or calculated
measures. Select one of the following options:
• New Calculated Item—Display the New Calculated Item dialog, allowing
you to create a calculated item for the column. It also automatically creates
a selection step that contains the calculated item.

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• Aggregation Rule—Override the default aggregation rule for a measure in
tables by selecting the aggregation rule to apply. For attribute columns,
ensure that Report-Based Total is selected. This option is not available for
the Prompts or Sections drop targets.

Note that if the Report-Based Total option is not selected, Xactly Analytics
calculates the total based on the entire result set, before applying any filters
to the measure columns.

• Display as Running Sum—Display numeric measures as running sums,
where each consecutive cell for the measure displays the total of all previous
cells for that measure. This option is a display feature only that has no
effect on actual pivot table results.
• Calculated Item—Display the Edit Calculated Item dialog, allowing you to
edit the calculated item.
• Hide Details—Suppress all column members except calculated items in the
view. For example, suppose that you have a pivot table that is displaying
Region on the row edge, and it is currently showing the values Eastern,
Western, and Central. Suppose that you create a new calculated item
called “Other Regions” that is the sum of Western + Central. If you select
Hide Details, then Eastern, Western, and Central will be suppressed and
only the “Other Regions” calculated item will show in the view.
For a view in which columns have been combined from one or more subject
areas using Set operations, Hide Details displays these options:

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• Duplicate Layer—Duplicate a column, creating a duplicate that applies
only to this view. The duplicate does not retain filters, selection steps, or formatting
that were applied to the original.
• Remove Column or Remove Duplicate—Remove the column or duplicated
item. The column is removed from the view and all other views for
the analysis. The duplicate is removed from this view only.
• Place Value in New Row—Display section values on different rows. Where
section values are displayed together in a row, you can specify that a section
value is displayed on a new row.
• Hide Repeated Values—Display column values for a section once and
hide repeated values until the values change. When the section column
value changes, it is displayed indented to the right to show the hierarchical
• Format Measure Label—This option is available only for the Measure Labels
element in a pivot table. Use this option to display the Edit Format dialog,
where you apply cosmetic formatting to measure labels.

5. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 4.53.31 PMbutton.

6. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 10.20.53 AM button to save the report (and embedded views).


Configure Pivot Table View Properties

1. Create or modify the report with which you want to work.

2. Click the Results tab. The Results page appears.

3. In the Views pane, select the pivot table view and click the button. The view
appears in the workspace.

4. Click the button (Pivot Table View Properties). The Pivot Table Properties dialog
appears.Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 1.11.17 PM

Pivot Table Properties Dialog

5. In the Data Viewing field, specify the method to use to browse data.

You can choose from among the following options:

• Fixed headers with scrolling content—Use scrolling to browse data
• Content paging—Use paging controls to browse data
note: Tables and pivot tables that use scrolling to browse data do not render properly
in Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 7 or 8. As a result, when Microsoft
Internet Explorer browser version 7 or 8 is detected, the table is rendered using
paging controls instead.

If you selected Fixed headers with scrolling content, do the following:

a. In the Maximum Width field, specify the maximum width of the table (in pixels).
The default is 600 pixels.
b. In the Maximum Height field, specify the maximum height of the table (in pixels).
The default is 700 pixels.
If you selected Content paging, do the following:
a. In the Paging Controls field, choose the location of the paging controls using
the drop-down list.
b. In the Rows per Page field, type the number of rows to display per page.

6. In the Display Column & Folder Headings field, choose whether to display headings
for the columns and the view.

You can choose from among the following options:

• Only column headings—Display only column headings (not view headings)
• As separate rows—Display the column and view headings as individual rows in
the view
• As Folder.Column—Display the column names with the lowest-level folder
name from the Subject Area.
• As Folder.Column (where needed)—Display the column names with the folder
name from the Subject Area, but only when the column names are not

7. In the Row styling area, select the Enable alternate styling checkbox to add styling
to the view, showing alternating rows or columns in color.
If you enable alternative styling, click the Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 1.03.21 PM button to display the Edit Format dialog,
which you can use to specify the alternate styling.

8. In the Repeat Cell Values field, select the checkbox to indicate that all cells that
span rows are repeated.

9. In the Master-Detail field, select the Listen to Master-Detail Events checkbox to
specify that the table is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship (and
listen for master-detail events).
In the Event Channels field. type one or more channels on which the table is to listen
for master-detail events raised by one or more master views. The channel
name is case sensitive and must match the channel name specified in the master
view exactly. Separate channels with commas, for example, channel a, channel

10. In the Null Values field, select the corresponding checkboxes to override null suppression.

The following options are available:

• Include rows with only Null Values—Select this checkbox to include null values
in the table view when the entire row contains all nulls.
• Include columns with only Null Values—Select this checkbox to include null values
in the pivot table view when the entire column contains all nulls.

11. Click the OK button.

12. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 4.53.31 PM button.

13. Click the Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 10.20.53 AMbutton to save the report (and embedded views).