Xactly Connect 2017-02 SOAP API New Features

This article describes the new feature available in Xactly Connect 2017-02 SOAP API:

  • Enhancements to PersonWSO and ReasonCodeWSO Objects

Enhancements to PersonWSO and ReasonCodeWSO Objects

Xactly Connect 2017-02 features a new WSDL file that adds new fields to the PersonWSO and ReasonCodeWSO objects to support version reasons.

Specifically, the PersonWSO object now includes the following new fields:

  • versionReasonId (long)
  • versionSubReasonId (long)

Similarly, the ReasonCodeWSO object now includes the following new field:

  • versionReasonTypeId (string)

Note that these changes are backwards compatible, so there is no impact if you continue to use the previous WSDL file.