Xactly Incent 2016-09 New Features

This section describes the new features available in Xactly Incent 2016-09, which

Manual Payments Reporting Enhanced in Sales Reports
• Enhanced Incentive Details Report
• New XLSX Upload Templates for People and Orders
• External Processes Enhanced to Support Connect Pipelines
• Xactly Incent Emails Now Sent From “noreply@xactlycorp.com”

Manual Payments Reporting Enhanced in Sales Reports

Xactly Incent 2016-09 enhances sales reports by more prominently displaying manual
payments to sales reps and end users. Specifically, when properly configured, end
users will see the following enhancements:

• Manual payments can now appear as a separate row in the Full Report section of
the Incentive Statement.
• Manual payments can now appear in the Payments pod.
• The Incentive Details report can now include a Payment Type column to differentiate
manual payments from commissions, bonuses, and more. Expanding a manual
payment shows related details, including comments about the payment.
• The Detailed Drill Down dialog, accessible from the Incentive Statement and Payments
pods, can now include a Payment Type column, and offers improved filtering
of payments. Similar to the Incentive Details report, expanding a manual
payment shows related details, including comments about the payment.

For the enhanced manual payment information to appear, administrators can configure
the following areas of the application:

Reports > Customize > Payment—Administrators can now choose to display manual
payments as a new row in the Full Report section of the Incentive Statement.
Reports > Pod Customization—Admins can now specify whether to show manual
payments (and specify the corresponding display label) in the Payments pod.
Reports > Customize > Incentive Details—Administrators can choose to specify
Payment Type as a visible section within the Incentive Details report.
Reports > Customize > Report Columns—Administrators can add a new Payment
Type column to the shared Detailed Drill Down dialog accessible from the Incentive
Statement and Payments pods.

note: Manual payment totals and payment type details are disabled by default.
Administrators must customize the respective pods and reports, as described above,
for the information to appear to end users.

Enhanced Incentive Details Report

Xactly Incent 2016-09 updates the Incentive Details report by offering multiple design
enhancements, including:

• A new summary section, highlighting payment totals
• A collapsible left pane to allow more of the report to be displayed
• Common actions, such as period selection, submit inquiry, and download details
now conveniently grouped together in the left pane
• A new find capability, together with additional filters to make search easy
The following shows the enhanced Incentive Details screen:


Enhanced Incentive Details Screen

New XLSX Upload Templates for People and Orders

Xactly Incent 2016-09 enhances an administrator’s ability to upload people and
orders by offering Microsoft XLSX-format upload templates in the following areas of
the application:

• Organization > People
• Orders > Orders

The XLSX templates improve the admin user experience by offering enhanced support
of special characters, date formatting, and various other usability updates. The new
templates are available immediately for download directly from within the Incent UI.

note: For backward compatibility, CSV files will continue to be supported for upload.

External Processes Enhanced to Support Connect Pipelines

Earlier editions of Incent allowed administrators to define Xactly DELTA external processes
that could then be used within Incent process groups to manage complex processing
methods. Xactly Incent 2016-09 extends the function of external processes to
now allow administrators to alternatively specify Xactly Connect pipelines as external
processes (in addition to DELTA scripts).


Create External Process Dialog

note: Xactly Connect pipelines allow developers to build and store complex ETL and
data processing logic.

The ability to specify Connect pipelines as external processes within Incent significantly
expands the type of processing that administrators can now orchestrate using
process groups.

Xactly Incent Emails Now Sent From “noreply@xactlycorp.com”

Xactly Incent 2016-08 updated all system-generated emails to use a “From” address
of “noreply@xactlycorp.com.” This enhancement provides a number of benefits,

• Promoting consistency between email sources
• Reducing the risk of spam filters accidentally hiding these emails
• Enhancing security best practices by removing “spoofed” user emails

note: The Submit Inquiry feature has also been enhanced to include more information
about the user sending the inquiry.