Xactly Incent 2018-08 Release Notes

This article outlines the issues that have been resolved or improved in the 2018-08 release.

General Enhancements

  • Lookup tables using a formula now return the default value when no match is found.
  • Incent now displays a warning when enabling Balance Carry Forward in the Setup > Preferences area (since this preference cannot be disabled after it is enabled).
  • (Resolved Issue) In some cases, users were unable to add or modify their profile picture. This issue has been resolved.
  • (Resolved Issue) With user-initiated workflows, in some cases users were unable to view or modify a comment after adding it, or they could not see comments previously entered. This issue has been resolved.
  • (Known Issue) In some cases, users might see a white/blank screen or a 400 error after logging in. We’ve made several changes to fix the vast majority of these issues, but if you continue to see any, please let us know.

Plan Documents

  • (Resolved Issue) Users can now download a PDF version of their plan document using the Google Chrome browser.
  • Plan audit downloads (in the Data > Audit area) now add Created information. Note that plans created prior to August 24, 2018 show the earliest modification date as the created date,  and “Xactly Admin” as the creating user.
  • (Resolved Issue) In some cases, additional quota information would appear at bottom of the Quota section in a document.  This issue has been resolved.

Plan Templates

  • (Resolved Issue) Administrators can now add a PDF footer to a plan document template when the template contains multiple languages.
  • The appearance of the pay curve axis label has been improved when the label contains three or more words.
  • (Resolved Issue) The language of the Summary section is no longer changed after adding a third language to the plan template.
  • (Resolved Issue) A plan document template can now be saved when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
  • (Resolved issue) A pay curve title modified in one language no longer affects pay curve titles in another languages.


  • Administrators can now impersonate a user and view their Incentive Details while sales visibility is set to No.
  • When using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, administrators no longer need to clear their cache between impersonating different people.

Incentive Estimator

  • Estimated amounts now include calculations derived from pay curves and percent to goal rules.
  • (Resolved Issue) The order item currency was displaying as a personal currency. This issue has been resolved.

eDocs & Approvals

  • If the workflow contains only reviewers, all reviewers now see the review button.
  • Users can now search for the quota relationship name if the quota relationship contains more than 1000 assignments.
  • (Resolved Issue) In rare cases, documents might be routed twice. This issue has been resolved.

iOS and Android Apps

  • The error message that appears after entering an invalid username/password has been updated.
  • (Resolved Issue) The credit label is no longer missing on the incentive statement when viewing on an iPad.