Xactly Incent 2018-11 New Features

This article describes the new features available in Xactly Incent 2018-11, which include the following user experience enhancements:

  • Start a Search Using the Enter Key
  • Return Back to Your Search Results
  • Use Incent in Multiple Browser Tabs
  • Consolidated Audit Report
  • Login Screen Updates

Start a Search Using the Enter Key

Xactly Incent 2018-11 updates nearly every search page in the application to allow you to simply press the Enter key after typing the search criteria to begin a search.

People Search Screen

For example, in the Organization > People area, you can now type the first name and press the Enter key.

Return Back to Your Search Results

Xactly Incent 2018-11 enhances the application user experience when searching by making it easy to return to search results by either pressing the Back key or the Back button in your web browser. This allows users to open an item listed in the search results and then return back to those same search results without having to launch another search.

Xactly Incent 2018-11 offers this new capability throughout the application except for the Plan Design > Quotas area, which will be added in an upcoming release.

Use Incent in Multiple Browser Tabs

Xactly Incent 2018-11 improves user efficiency by allowing you to work with Incent in multiple browser tabs.

To use this feature, simply right-click one of the main or second-level navigation links and choose Open in a new browser tab in the menu that appears. For example, you might choose to work on the Organization > People page in one tab while working on Results > Payments in another tab.

Consolidated Audit Report

Xactly Incent 2018-11 adds three new elements to the Audit report available in the Data > Audit area. Administrators can use these new elements to return audit information for Users, Titles, and Positions.

Selecting Objects on the Audit Screen

Note: If you don’t see this page, make sure the Data tab > Audit privilege has been enabled for administrator roles.

Login Screen Updates

In addition to a few stylistic updates to the mobile login experience, Xactly Incent 2018-11 now displays the email address in the second step of the login process (where users enter their password).

This makes it easier to identify cases when there is a typo in the email address.